Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Place To Belong

As we come to the end 2011, it has been such a busy ministry season that, unfortunately, blogs have been neglected. The music ministry that God's been working to grow in Dawn Yoder
and I has been nothing short of humbling for both of us. Having recorded three projects in the last year and a few month, that will be release in 2012, has been a journey of surprise, intimacy with God and a deeper sense of who Jesus is as Savior and Lord.
Please pray for those who will hear LifeWay Worship's A Place To Belong, Macchiato Moments ( that our friend at Provident Music Group (Sony) will distribute for us & our 'baby' - Redeemed Retro.
Lisa Troyer & Dawn Yoder

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sheila Walsh visits the great white north - sort of!!!!

After the incredibly enjoyable Circle of Friends Women's Conference at Malone University 02.07.09 in Canton, Ohio, keynote speaker (and Texas resident) Sheila Walsh decided she needed to take advantage of all the snow and enjoy making a snow angel. Great fun! Check out Sheila's latest book, LET GO.

FOREVER reaches #9 on Christian Radio Weekly

Lisa Troyer & The Circle of Friends Worship Team released FOREVER, written/produced by UK worship leader John Perry, in late 2008. As of 03.03.09, the song continues to air worldwide on over 150 radio stations and is at #11 on CRW AC Global Chart. To obtain a free download as a gift from Circle of Friends Ministries visit

Photos: COF Worship Team: Elaine Finley, Tammy Koser, Beth Beechy & Lisa Troyer
The band @ annual COF conference 02.07.09 at Malone University in Canton, Ohio
John Perry, Pete Norman, Ron Knights, Lisa Troyer, Jonathan Howell, Chad Marriot.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Pictures from A Night of Real Christmas 11.21.08

COF's newest additions to the board of directors, Tammy Koser (left) and Missy Horsfall sharing information about the upcoming 4th Annual COF Women's Conference featuring Sheila Walsh; Jocelyn Hamsher greets those attending the event; Dove Award Winning Worship Leader Kim Hill shares her love for Jesus through music; Lisa Harper shares the Gospel as only she can....always a crowd favorite, but clearly shares what Christmas is all about!! Lisa Troyer closes the evening and wishes all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!
Remember that Sheila Walsh will be coming to Malone University on Feb 7,
2009 as the keynote speaker for the COF 4th Annual Women's Conference. A wonderful day
of learning and worship. For more details please call 330.852.0000 for more information.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Night of REAL Christmas

It was an absolute delight to attend A Night of REAL Christmas with Kim Hill & Lisa Harper.
Circle of Friends Ministries sponsored this evening of ministry and encouragement at NewPointe Community Church in Dover, Ohio yesteday evening. Several of those attending
discovered the TRUE meaning of Christmas......Jesus Christ. As I was listening to Kim sing and Lisa share from their hearts, I noticed the REAL on the screen. These are thoughts that came to my heart............R
- Reaching out to others with the message of hope, just as Jesus has reached out to us. E - Encouraging one another as God gives us opportunity to ambassadors of Christ.
A - accepting one another in reverence for, and unto the glory, the name of the LORD. Lastly,
L - sharing the message of Christ's perfect love. 'For God so loved the world, that He gave (my addition - remember, God started the tradition of 'gift giving'.) He demonstrated that when He sent the very best gift we could ever imagine to receive. God's unconditional love, forgiveness, release from shame, only through His Son, Jesus. Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

What Kind of Wilderness?

Praying this finds you well and resting in the truth of God's love and comfort. I had the opportunity to speak to a very wise woman today. She's a therapist/consultant that contacted me when she heard me on the radio and we scheduled a phone chat today.

We were discussing 'life' and she raised the question "when you think of wilderness what do you envision? A desert, jungle, etc.......honestly, when I think of a wilderness, my thoughts gravitate toward the desert. As I thought about her question, I realized that my 'thinking' was locked in a singular perception. Biblical wilderness, in my mind, has been associated with a desert; dryness, thirst, long stretches of 'spiritual dehydration'. Sorry, don't want to sound melodramtic - it's just where my head is at concerning this subject.

So, what do you think of when you hear the word, "wilderness"? I'd be interested in your perception.

Peace be with you, on you and through you. In Christ Jesus - Be blessed.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sheila Walsh @ COF Women's Conference '09

We are incredibly enthusiastic about the 2009 COF Women's Conference. The details are coming together and Sheila Walsh's visit, we pray, will be the catalyst for spiritual growth and blessings for the precious women that will be attending. Start praying now for the women that will fill the seats at the Johnson Center at Malone College. Believe that even now, He is preparing hearts to receive a word of unconditional love and saving grace as Sheila shares about 'Letting Go.....and living free'. We all carry burdens, but Jesus instructs us in Matthew 11: 28 - 30 to 'come to Him, let go and learn how to move, stand and rest in Jesus Christ.


Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)

"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

Blessings Friend......join us February 7, 2009 - we're praying for a day that will change eternity!

Kim and Lisa are coming to town..........hohoho!

Make plans to celebrate the holiday season with Circle of Friends on November 21, 2008 as COF/Friends Radio hosts 'A NIGHT OF REAL CHRISTMAS' with Kim Hill and Lisa Harper. The ladies will be coming in from
Nashville for a super Friday evening program. For more information about how you and your circle of friends can attend, please call 330.852.0000 or visit our website

Many of you enjoyed when Kim and Lisa were featured at the 2006 COF Annual Women's Conference.....and asked when they were coming back to the area. Well, here they come. This would be a wonderful opportunity to invite an unchurched friend or someone who is seeking to discover the real meaning of Christmas............We look forward to seeing you there. Help support Circle of Friends Ministries and enjoy a great evening. &

Living Proof......that God is gracious

What a wonderful weekend.....Circle of Friends had the privilege of being one of 715 host sites (inclusive of over 70,000 women) around the world for this years Living Proof Live - Beth Moore Simulcast. It originated from "Looavul" (Louisville, KY to us foreigners) and the LORD's incredible anointing flowed through Mrs. Moore. She loves the Word of God and her delivery of the message on Luke 8 was nothing short of inspiring. You could sense the freedom that His Word was rendering among the women sitting in the worship center of Valley View Community Church (great breakfast ladies! COF really appreciated use of the facility)....don't forget ladies, God is passionate about you!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Recalling some wonderful conference moments with Carol Kent, Kim Hill, Lisa Harper and as COF hosted the 2007 Beth Moore Simulcast.

COF 2009 Conference - Sheila Walsh

Internationally known author, recording artist and Women of Faith speaker, Sheila Walsh, will be sharing her heart and ministry at the 4th Annual Circle of Friends Ministries Women's Conference on February 7, 2009. Location: Johnson Center for the Arts at Malone University. For more information call 330-852-0000 or visit

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Beth Moore Simulcast August 1 & 2, 2008

Ladies....don't forget to make your reservations for the Beth Moore Living Proof Live Simulcast!

Circle of Friends Ministries will be hosting the event in Sugarcreek, Ohio at the Valley View Family Life Center on Simons Drive.

For more details (or to purchase your tickets online) go to The cost is $30 and includes continental breakfast on August 2nd.

Call 330-852-0000 and contact Sharon for more information. Don't miss this great opportunity.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Everyone at Circle of Friends Ministries wants to wish our friend Carol Kent a very Happy Birthday.

Please pray for Carol and her husband Gene as they minister to folks all over the world.

If you are looking for great books or need a speaker for your retreat or women's conference, please visit: