Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bouquets.....a new book about relationships

Friends Radio co-host Jocelyn Hamsher has received an incredible "bouquet".......Not of flowers, but the news that her husband's book, Bouquets, will be released
internationally in March 2008. Here's a copy of the cover and what folks are saying about this much needed book by author, pastor, and speaker Bruce Hamsher.

Bouquets – Intentional Relationships in Making Disciples

“Everyone needs to read this book! Bruce Hamsher’s passion for God’s Word, coupled with an ability to make it real through engaging storytelling, encourages all of us to live out our calling as ‘Certified Spiritual Florists.’ Bouquets is one of the best field guides available for increasing our understanding of how our aroma represents Christ and impacts the lives of those around us.” —Lisa Troyer, Moody Broadcasting Network & President of Circle of Friends Ministries, Inc.

“With an obvious pastoral perspective, Bruce Hamsher has creatively
weaved the bouquets theme throughout his text in a way
that will be inspirational to his readers. This theologically sound
and relevant resource is a welcome ministry tool for those who
are about the task of discipling believers into a deeper relationship
with Christ. I intend to recommend it highly to my ministry
students.” —Randy Keeler, Bluffton University

“Bruce Hamsher invites us to attentiveness in existing friendships
and the seemingly routine daily encounters we have in our
homes, workplaces, communities, social events, neighborhoods,
and churches. Bouquets provides a beginning point for us to
assess our friendships in the opportunities we have to be Godincarnate.
Hamsher calls us to be accountable while encouraging
us to deepen our relationships to include faith in Jesus in our conversations.
While seeming to state the obvious—many of us can
attest to the power of friendships in our conversion and life of
Christian discipleship—Hamsher provides fresh awareness of the
command of Jesus to be salt and light!”
—Henry Beun, Central Christian School, Kidron, Ohio

“Bouquets is a beautiful biblical metaphor made contemporary.
Daily relationships are the aroma people sense in every
encounter. Is the aroma surrounding Christians that of the presence
of God? In this delightful book, Bruce Hamsher observes
ordinary folk in the Bible (like Onesiphorus, Mephibosheth, or
Paul’s nephew) and shows how Christians must be the kind of
fragrance these exemplified. Here are guides to make serendipitous
relationships an intentional expression of divine mercy and love.”
—August H. Konkel, President of Providence College and Seminary

“Some books on evangelism make you feel guilty. Others are theories
and techniques. Not this one. With stories from life and
Scripture Bruce Hamsher invites us to embrace the natural adventure
of building redemptive relationships and sharing the lifechanging
Good News along the way. A good devotional inspirational
read as well as a good group study text.”
—Marion G. Bontrager, Hesston College


Tina said...

Oh how great! Maybe I'll be able to pick it up at the event.
sounds like a wonderful book.

sln said...

Way to go Bruce, and hi to Jocelyn and family. We love you guys!
Shawn and Suzanne

Joe and Lori said...

Wow, how exciting for you and your family, but also for the rest of us!! We are so looking forward to reading it. Blessings to you!