Saturday, December 22, 2007

Do You Have Something to Say?

FRIENDS RADIO is planning more radio features and we welcome new "voices" and folks with a flare for devotional writing. If you have any interest in becoming part of
the FRIENDS RADIO team - just let us know. Log on and drop us an email. We like devotionals/stories/segments that can be spoken in 90 seconds or less.

We'd love to hear from you!!!!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Kim Hill's Latest Release

The newest release from Kim Hill is here!! Includes the songs: Open Wide, When I Remember, Thank You, All To You, Your Love Is Deep, I Have To Believe, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, You Rescue Me, Love of My Soul, Sing Praises, Wallflowers Dance. It's in my CD player in the car and I'm loving it. Her voice is great and the songs speak volumes. You'll want a copy ASAP.

To order log onto a reminder for you......... Kim and Lisa Harper will be coming to Dover, Ohio December 5, 2008 for a very special Friends Radio Christmas program. Yes, we're a year away from the event, but please begin praying now. We know it's going to be a very special time for 1500 women. If you have a large group and want to reserve tickets in advance call 330-852-0000. No money required until September 1.
Ticket price TBD. for updates.

Kim Hill

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Women's Conference Information

Don't forget to mark you calendars. February 15-16, 2008 will be the 3rd Annual COF Women's Conference. Nationally known author and speaker Carol Kent will be the featured speaker for a very special weekend.

Many of you have been blessed and encouraged by her books; When I Lay My Isaac Down, Becoming a Woman of Influence & latest release - A New Kind of Normal
For ticket information on the event coming to Walnut Creek, Ohio contact COF at 330.852.0000, purchase direct from, or log onto our ministry site.

Spend a lovely, edifying weekend in Ohio's Amish Country.
COF will be featuring a diverse schedule of breakout sessions that will capture the interest of all attendees.
Indeed, something for everyone!! Hope to see you there.

PS - COF will also be an area host site for Beth Moore's national simulcast event coming August 1-2, 2008.
Valley View Family Life Center in Sugarcreek, OH.
Again, for more information call 330.852.0000

Early Morning Remotes

Yes, it's true....we all look a little sleepy - but we had a blast when we recently did a live remote for 95.9FM in Canton, Ohio. Katie, Lee Ann, Suzie and Lisa. The "Quite Chatty Quartet". There's nothing like working with a group of ladies that love Jesus, love one another and love encouraging listeners. We gave away some incredible prizes and heard some great stories.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Lisa Harper's brand new book

Lisa Harper has always been part of our "circle of friends". She has blessed women all over the world with her Spirit-inspired teaching of God's Word. She has a recently released a new book about how women can apply the truth of the Bible to their lives.

Lisa Harper's brand new book
What The Bible Is All About For Women: A Book of Devotions

And it's written in typical "Lisa" style, which means lots of humorous illustrations, poignant "real life" moments, honest narrative, compelling questions, pop culture references, movie clip recommendations (to illustrate the context of each book of the Bible) and an emphasis on the story aspect of scripture. Suffice it to say this book will help you understand and apply God's Word - from Genesis to Revelation - in fresh and relevant ways! Plus, the interactive format makes it a great pick for both personal reflection and group settings such as a book clubs or Bible studies.
Max Lucado calls Lisa one of the "best Bible tour guides around" and Priscilla Evans Shirer adds, "If anyone can help us to hear, understand and receive the truth of Scripture it is Lisa Harper. Her God-given ability to not merely teach the Word but package it in a way that stirs the heart and calls to action is incomparable." Please consider joining Lisa on this fascinating journey through God's divine love story by picking up a copy or two of What The Bible Is All About For Women. We trust it will give you and your friends a clearer picture of who God is and how very much He loves you!

(For more information, please visit Lisa's website at
To schedule Lisa Harper for your women's event, contact Naomi Duncan at Ambassador Speakers
Click Here to go to to watch a speaking demo

Monday, September 17, 2007

Next Wave Radio Network

FRIENDS RADIO has just signed an exclusive agreement with Next Wave Radio Network of
Colorado Springs, Colorado. Next Wave Radio will carry the FR Network to an international audience. Next Wave Radio Network was founded by Mike Trout and John Dale. Both gentlemen previously ministered with Dr. James Dobson at international radio ministry Focus on the Family prior to launching the music driven Next Wave Radio Network.

FRIENDS RADIO can be heard 24 hours a day beginning October 1, 2007 by visiting The FRIENDS RADIO WEEKEND COUNTDOWN is scheduled to debut on Christian radio stations across the country in January 2008. FRIENDS RADIO is a division of Circle of Friends Ministries, Inc. Circle of Friends Ministries is a non-profit organization focused on reaching women, and those they influence, with the love of Jesus Christ. Circle of Friends Ministries is based in Sugarcreek, Ohio and can be reached by calling (330) 852-0000.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tyndale's Women's Devotional


Later she gave birth to a daughter and named her Dinah. Genesis 30:21 NLT

As far as we know, Dinah was the only daughter of Jacob and Leah. She had ten older brothers and two younger ones. When Dinah was probably a teenager, she and her family moved to Shechem. Jacob, her father, bought a piece of land outside of town where they pitched their tents. Jacob was actually procrastinating about fulfilling a promise to God to return to Bethel and worship. Jacob’s delay proved disastrous for his family.

Apparently no one really paid much attention to Dinah until she went out for a walk one day in the city of Shechem. During her visit to town, she was raped by Shechem, the son of the ruler of the city. Violated and shamed, Dinah found herself in the center of a family crisis. Shechem asked his father to arrange a marriage with Dinah. But in Jacob’s and his sons’ eyes, Dinah had been damaged and their family had been insulted. Jacob failed to provide any fatherly leadership in this situation, and his sons took matters into their own hands. The results were treacherous and bloody.

In all of this, the victim was overlooked. Dinah was neither comforted nor consulted. Instead, she was treated with almost as much disrespect by her family as she was originally by Shechem. Dinah’s brothers profited from the massacre of Shechem. Jacob was angry at his sons for their actions, but he hadn’t given them any direction. Meanwhile, Dinah slipped back into oblivion and was never mentioned again. Her story reminds us of the tragedies which occur when family members are careless with each other. Someone ends up paying a high price.

You probably know someone who can identify closely with Dinah. Perhaps you have experienced that same anonymity as a victim who was unnoticed or forgotten. Remember several glimmers of hope: Even when everyone else forgets, God doesn’t; when no one seems to notice, God does; when no one seems to care, God does; when you feel all alone, you aren’t. And one of the first lessons God will teach you as you depend on him is that there are others who also care and are willing to help. Begin to speak to God today in prayer about your past.

Do you ever wonder how often each day you pass by people who are convinced they are worthless?

© 2006, Tyndale House Publishers
351 Executive Drive, Carol Stream Illinois 60188

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Thanks for the memories.........

Friends Radio wants to thank LeeAnne Martin from LeeAnne Martin Photography for availing her gifts to our ministry. You can visit her website:

Great Article by Liz Curtis Higgs.......Enjoy!

A Ministry of Tears

By Liz Curtis Higgs

I cry easily and often. Happy tears, sad tears, over-the-top tears, Hallmark commercial tears—you name it, I’ve leaked over it.

Hankies up if you’re with me on this.

Out of sheer joy, I cry at church more than anywhere else. When I hear a wondrous truth spoken or a glorious song lifted in praise, when I see a new believer step forward or an old saint read the Scriptures, I’m so overwhelmed with gratitude that tears flow down my cheeks.

Not little drips—buckets. Sheets of water. A monsoon.

Even after twenty years of marriage, this baffles my husband. He looks over at me, eyes wide with concern, and whispers, “Are you okay?”

“Oh, yeah.” I smile blissfully as another waterfall plunges over my chin. “Couldn’t be better.”

For those among us who feel awkward about our abundance of tears, here’s good news: Leaking for the Lord has a long and honorable history. King David once confessed, “I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.” (Psalms 6:6). Flood, weep, drench—sure, we get that. At God’s bidding, the prophet Jeremiah of old called for the wailing women: “Let them come quickly and wail over us till our eyes overflow with tears and water streams from our eyelids. (Jeremiah 9:18) And the apostle Paul “served the Lord with great humility and with tears” (Acts 20:19), which rules out the real-men-don’t-cry argument.

Truth is, everybody’s favorite memory verse says it all: “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). When we cry, we’re in good company, especially considering what Jesus’ tears communicated about his relationship with the late Lazarus: “See how he loved him!” (John 11:36)

Our silent tears speak volumes.

One Saturday morning a teary-eyed Missouri woman sat in my conference audience, convinced her tears were a stumbling block to serving God. Then she heard me share a story from the Bible about an unnamed woman who’d lived a sinful life and sought out Jesus: “And as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears” (Luke 7:38).

The minute I finished teaching, this leaking sister sought me out. Between sniffs she explained, “I want more than anything to help hurting people who come forward at church for prayer. But the minute I hear their stories, I start weeping, which embarrasses me no end. Now, I just hide in the pew.”

“Ah.” I gave her a big hug. “You have a ministry of tears.”

“A what?

Uh-oh. I’d already told her more than I knew on the subject. The Lord came to my rescue and gave me the words she needed to hear. “Your tears help others not feel foolish about weeping. The Bible tells us to ‘mourn with those who mourn’ (Romans 12:15), and to ‘comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.’ (2 Corinthians 1:4) You see? Your tears are a help, not a hindrance.”

I printed off all the Bible verses about weeping that I could find and sent them to my new friend. Marcia got the message loud and clear. A few weeks later, she wrote back: “During this evening’s service, a lady in our church knelt at the altar, praying and crying desperately. And guess who God shoved right down that aisle to help her? After she shared her needs with me, I did my usual leaking and a whole lot of blubbering. I had a very difficult time speaking above the sobs, but I prayed with her. And I loved her.”

(Hang on a second; let me find a tissue.)

She finished with, “One of the verses you sent me said, ‘He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy.’ (Psalms 126:6) All my life, I thought my tears were a curse. I just wanted you to know, I’m reaping a harvest of joy in Missouri!”

Those of us who leak in the other 49 states and Canada can’t wait to join you, sister.

God can and will use anything we surrender to him. Laughter and tears. Joy and sorrow. Victories and mistakes. Strengths and weaknesses. We minister to others best when we offer our true selves—as is—not waiting until we’ve cleaned up our acts or dried up our tears, but right now, leaks and all.

My role model isn’t Mary or Martha, it’s Marcia from Missouri who bravely put herself in God’s hands and trusted him to bring the tissues.

Copyright 2006 Liz Curtis Higgs

Liz Curtis Higgs is a conference speaker and the author of 24 books, including Embrace Grace (WaterBrook Press). She lives with her family in Louisville, Kentucky. Visit her Web site:

Monday, August 20, 2007

Suzie's back from the coast....

The West Coast, that is....Suzie and her husband, Jim Thomas, were out visiting their very talented sons..... who just happen to work in the film and entertainment industry. It is so wonderful to have those who believe in Jesus Christ having an influence in an industry that is so strongly influenced by anything but Christ-focused values. Be listening to Suzie for an update on Wednesday's edition of FRIENDS RADIO.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Friends Radio Team

From left to right.....

We thought it might be appropriate putting Friends Radio names with faces.......(the group picture) Suzie Thomas, Lee Ann Miller, Lisa Troyer and Katie Carr. We'll be posting more photos of the friends involved in
Friends Radio in the near future.

Perhaps you had the opportunity to see Lee Ann Miller on today's editon of the Midday News on WEWS Channel 5 in Cleveland. Lee Ann is our resident "television lady". She has appeared on several major market stations in our region sharing her gifts and ideas in the area of hospitality. She's so creative! She's also lots of fun. Visit her @

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Lisa's World

When the Lord gave me the idea for FRIENDS RADIO, I was sitting across from a dear friend of mine. Her name is Jocelyn Hamsher and she's one of those women's ministry leaders that is passionate about Jesus. I thought, "she needs to be on the radio!" I have been working in Christian radio for five years....something that I never really planned on, but obviously God had other things in mind. He allowed this journey to be launched at 95.9 FM in Canton, Ohio. That has led to national spots for NEED HIM (1-888-NEEDHIM if you'd like to talk to a caring person about your relationship with God), a women's ministry pilot for Family Life Network in Tuscon, work for American Family Radio, Moody Radio (WCRF) in Cleveland......and now, FRIENDS RADIO. It's an incredible privilege to work with Suzie Thomas, Katie Carr, Lee Ann Miller, Beth Beechy and, of course, Jocelyn Hamsher. I'm so thankful to be afforded the blessing of working with such caring women who love the Lord. Through their love and friendship, I have indeed found, "a place to belong".

As we continue to develop the FRIENDS RADIO ministry, as well as the outreach via the "umbrella" organization, Circle of Friends Ministries (
I'm excited about what God wants to do in and through our lives. You can join us in this adventure. Please pray for us. Let us pray with and for you too.

You can email me at or call us at 1-888-893-3585.
You are important to God. You are important to us.....and you've found a place to belong.

Listen to FRIENDS RADIO via the internet at beginning September 4th. Peace......until next time. (